We get it, life happens. Your job gets busy, your partner gets sick, you have a kid or two or even three. We get that in life some things give and take–but your food shouldn’t. Here at The Blive Hive we believe healthy, yummy food isn’t something you should have to sacrifice. We understand eating healthy can be time consuming, expensive or even confusing sometimes, so let us do all the work.

We pride ourselves in picking the freshest ingredients from local farmers to give you the tastiest and healthiest bite to eat possible. We provide a clean, and refreshing, yet fun atmosphere for our busy bees to step into and unwind. We offer a wide variety of snacks, sweets and hot drinks. Some of our most popular treats include local organic honey. If you’re on a tight schedule don’t fret, just order through our app and pick it up on your way to work, to catch the train, or even to your kids game or recital. Whatever the occasion, we want to help you stay healthy even in your craziest of days.

Since we’ve talked about busy bees so much let’s not forget about the littlest of bees in the hive. The Blive Hive also has a special room just for fussy baby bees. You can sit back, relax, and enjoy your meal knowing that no one will accidentally wake up your little one. This room also doubles as a safe space to feed them so they can grow up to be the strongest bees possible. We want to ensure that every bee is welcome in this hive. The Blive Hive is here to change the definition of fast food forever. Whether you dine in or take out we would love to have you!